2 months of free trial
By creating a free account, you get 2 months of free use of the Basic package.
After this time, you can decide which subscription you’d like to use.
For those embarking on a career as anarchitect
1 active project
1 active client
No team members
No suppliers
1 year access to archive projects
For architects managing a maximum of5 projects at a time
5 active projects
Unlimited number of clients
3 team members
Unlimited number of suppliers
1 year access to archive projects
For studios conducting simultaneouslymore than 5 projects
Unlimited projects
Unlimited number of clients
11 team members
Unlimited number of suppliers
No need to close projects
Net prices. 23% VAT should be added to them.
Discounts for choosing upfront payment
for 3 months
for 6 months
Do you have more needs than the Team package guarantees?
Discuss with us your needs
Mail us at
Earn with the referral program
Do you use
Tell others about it and gain even more!
Frequently asked questions
The free trial period allows you to use the Basic plan for 2 months.
An active project is an active project that you can change, edit, comment on, add photos, visualizations and drawings to it.
If you manage up to 5 projects at a time and do not employ more than 3 people, then the Basic subscription is intended for you. Remember that these are active projects. Projects you have previously completed are not counted towards the subscription.
The Team package is intended for larger companies that do not want to be limited in the number of projects carried out, and at the same time there are up to 11 people working in a team.
If you have more needs than those described in other subscriptions, please send us an e-mail: to discuss your needs related to work at
Yes, you can unsubscribe from the service at any time. The fee will stop being charged at the beginning of the next billing period. This means that if you have purchased a subscription on a monthly basis, the service will cease to be provided by us at the end of the month period, and you no longer pay the subscription fee.
The website can be used on any device with Internet access. There are no special hardware requirements or any need to install special software. You just need to use a fairly new browser.
You can change the subscription plan at any time. After logging in to the application, go to Settings and use the “change subscription” option.
We do not require credit card details when setting up an account. Creating an account is completely free.
After using the free trial period, you can pay for access to the Basic or Team subscription by entering the settings and selecting “Your subscription”.
After selecting the appropriate subscription, the system will ask you to make a payment. You can use online payments via or make a traditional transfer. You can also pay with a payment card. When paying, follow the instructions in the system.
In addition, we offer discounts that can be used by choosing longer payment cycles.
Starting February 1st, 2024 does not offer a free plan. But you can (without any obligations) test our Basic plan for 2 months any only after that period decide if you want to buy a paid plan.
Available payment methods